p. 0403 605 802
Gay Counselling & Psychotherapy for the LGBT-QI community
Jennifer is seriously committed to social justice platforms including the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, queer, intersex, trans and questioning community. She worked tirelessly in the U.S. rising up and championing gay rights and trans friendly legislation. She has a great deal of experience and training working as a gay counsellor and working with the LGBT-QI community providing psychotherapy and counselling and is in the process of getting certified with WPATH for trans work. If you could use a culturally competent LGBT-QI therapist, reach out and let her know.
Gay Counselling & LGBT Counselling in the Sydney CBD
Experience with LGBTQIâ–ş
Many counsellors claim to have expertise with the LGBTQI community simply because they feel they are open minded.
Well intentions aside, most are not equipped with the training and skills to work with the often complex and layered issues faced by our community.
My experience in the gay community and the San Francisco and Sydney mental health community provides me with a unique perspective on needs and issues faced by LGBTQI folks.
Gay & Lesbian Counselling â–ş
I don't automatically assume that gay men and lesbian women come to counselling for issues related to their LGBTQI identity.
I have found that most people seek counselling for the same few issues; relationship and dating issues, drug or alcohol issues or issues of past trauma and past family issues.
Families of LGBTQI â–ş
Working with families who's members have recently come out is a priority of mine. I work from a strengths based perspective and offer lots of psychoeduation about the importance of family acceptance versus rejection.
I also work with families to come out when members transition. I am honored to help families on this journey towards wholeness and provide gender affirming therapy and family therapy.
See more about Transgender work Here
Gay Men â–ş
As a relationship counsellor I can help with relationship distress.
As a past addictions counselling I can help you maintain abstinence and help you work through issues of sobriety.
Gender Affirming Counsellingâ–ş
Quality Healthcare remains one of the biggest issues for the trans community.
Barriers remain enormous and institutional transphobia continues to impact an already vulnerable community.
Because of my unconventional past and decade of experience I offer an alternative to trans invisibility and work hard to promote transgender individuals and their stories. Let me work with you to get the story you want.
LGBT Counselling Sydney â–ş
Stay tuned......
Unpacking the influence of society â–ş
Mental health services have a shameful history of pathologizing and discriminating against members of the LGBTQI community. Stay tuned.....
When therapist are taking up space vs adding to a space (from a social justice framework)â–ş
Stay tuned........
Supporting your right to healthy and happy relationships, standing against conversion therapy, & promoting social justice
Promoting Mental Health and Information Exchange Within the LGBT-QI Communities
Providing Affirmative Counseling for Transgender and Gender Non–Conforming Clients
Healing Abuse & Trauma in the LGBT-QI Community
Healthy Relationships & Couples Counselling in the LGBT-QI Community
Family Acceptance Project: Research & Education
Psychotherapy for the LGBT-QI Community
California Board of Behavioral Science stance against conversion therapy
Positive Psychology & Spiritual Psychology in the LGBT-QI Community
Psychology Today bans ads for treatment of unwanted same-sex attraction
Transgender Counselling Sydney & Gender Non Conforming Counselling Sydney
With a strong commitment and years of experience supporting our gender diverse community, Jennifer provides guidance and support wherever you are in your process. Some of our work together may include:
helping you to define your identity
assist you in finding support systems that works for you
assist you in navigating the coming out process
assist you in helping your family members navigate the coming out process
help advocate for yourself/ or advocating for you if you are unable
help you give voice to your past experiences as well as your current situation
assist you in clearing up any negative experiences or trauma that may be holding you back
help you develop self care and decrease any unhealthy or harmful behavior in a way you can manage
work with partner/relationship issues
help you love your beautiful self
Gay Counselling and Psychotherapy in the Sydney CBD
Jennifer is committed to providing expert counselling and psychotherapy to the Sydney LGBT-QI community and has many years of experience working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Questioning community. She previously worked as a therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area and is an active member of the GAYLESTA psychotherapy community. She is also active in Australia Marriage Equality believing 'less than' laws based in cultural, systemic oppression and stigmatization are a disservice for all Australian communities.
Ways we may work together:
Support you and work with you wherever you are in the coming out process (if this is an issue for you)
Address family and community support or lack of family support (if this is of interest)
Help you develop a supportive community
Address past traumas and work towards healing
Investigate your family history to see what's holding you back/ as well as where your strengths lie
Address any addiction as well as other unhealthy coping strategies
With a Strong Committment to the LGBT-QI Community and Social Justice Platforms, I Have, or Have Held, Clinical Memberships in the following LGBT-QI Counselling Organizations:
Sydney LGBT-QI Counsellor Organization
-If you are a Sydney Therapist, click to learn more
Gay Counselling, Lesbian Counselling and Trans Counselling in the CBD, Sydney
I provide psychotherapy and counselling for the LGBT-QI community in the Sydney CBD area and work with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer identified and intersex individuals. I also work with questioning individuals. I work with a variety of issues and complaints (Services) including life transitions, depression and anxiety, addictions, sobriety maintenance, trauma, abuse, and PTSD and relationship breakups. I especially enjoy working with the trans population helping them find their voice and own their power. I am in the process of becoming a member of WPATH (World Professional Association of Transgender Health)
I provide couples counseling and marriage counseling for gay, lesbian and queer couples as well as couples with trans partners.
Gettin' Your Learn On: LGBT-QI Articles You May Be Interested in Reading
Marriage Equality!
Many in the LGBT-QI community face serious and devastating prejudice including stigmatization, shame, and family betrayal. Australia is experiencing a significant shift as people recognize the damage these stigmatizing and narrow beliefs have on our gay communities. It is my hope that one day all organizations will find an inclusive mission, but until then my work is dedicated to healing those who have been marginalized, shamed, and traumatized by a dominant prejudiced culture. This focus is for those who have been confused, conflicted or harmed by incompatible and outdated beliefs, or the conflicting beliefs of those who were responsible for protecting and loving them. This work is dedicated to acceptance and Love.